Inner Strength

Life’s trials and tribulations can have a completely varied consistency and everyone has power to choose how to react.  Just because it seems you haven’t gotten a fair shake doesn’t mean you can’t make your own luck.  Sometimes we find ourselves backed up into a corner but I know that if I can manage my fusebox and not to panic or bundle up my energies I can flow from being trapped to more one with my reality.  The creative energy in free flow has the power to shock and surprise as well as provide a lift.  To the effect of finding a balance I practice grounding my energy to the effect of making positive vibrations.  A stream of consciousness that flows from the greenest of earth’s environment is in constant growth and as I reflect I wonder how I became so short-tempered in my journey through life.  I’ve learned that if I set my self up to be calm, the odds are in my favor.  Still I know that it could take some mustard to face the difficulties that challenge me.  It’s a timing thing, I’m at my best when there isn’t any dispute towards what my intentions are.  I feel real.  I have a sad disposition to sympathy in the cases of many a tragedy.  It can become difficult to accept.  Beauty, truth and reality can become my own worst enemy but I long for my world to finally align with the intentions of my heart.  I know I cannot change my experience but it isn’t healthy letting it all well up in my mind.  It takes the strength that I’ve found only after great difficulties to learn what it takes to find inner peace.  You must at great lengths challenge yourself to take your practice for peace one step further.  There’s no end to this quest we make a bit of momentum and keep it flowing and when we get knocked back we pick ourselves up and add more.  The strength non-violence gives me is such a difficult thing to completely grasp.  I feel like I’ve shrunk.  It takes viewing things through a different lens.  How would I survive without some of my more base instincts?  Did we not evolve due to our capabilities to dominate?  This, however does not prove that there isn’t more potential for us to discover through imagination.  The longer we spent acting in kindness the more responsive the sensation of joy becomes.  There’s more and more to see without the veil that shrouds the eyes of our society.  We have to look deeper than the instant gratification a quality action sequence provides.  Let dance and art act as the historian for the many a varied peoples of the world.  Let our story be in constant motion and with the freedom to express compassion and gratitude for the all the time we have to share with friends and family.  The light in my heart will not die it shines brightly with all the passion that my heart has developed.  I stand for the freedom to seek meaning based on the values that protect us from negative energy.  It’s a path that I choose though warily I explore the harm that our society perpetrates but I also find a great deal to live for beyond the short term goals of our governments, politics and media.  It’s our time to empower each other and find meaning based on the spirit of peace.  The stronger I become the further I can progress my dreams for the future.  Love and kindess,


3 thoughts on “Inner Strength

  1. I love what you wrote, and I understand it, because I also feel that we have incredible inner strength, and that we can create positive energy and vibrations. I find it really unfortunate that people in our times and cultures don’t talk about this enough, when it’s so important, actually more important than anything else ! It seems that we get distracted by pollution, bit cities, our ego, the media etc and we forget to simply reconnect with ourselves and see what good can come from it. Could you maybe elaborate on exactly how you create those good energies?

    1. Yoga, meditation, good deeds/kindness, manifestation, prayer, these are the kinds of things that help me overcome the numbness. Especially just writing about these things it puts everything neatly in perspective and gives you time to embody those things in a more physical way. It’s right there for you to feel, no abstractions or superstition, just the words which are existing to serve your spirit.

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